Geiger$31176$ - définition. Qu'est-ce que Geiger$31176$
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Qu'est-ce (qui) est Geiger$31176$ - définition

Geiger-Nuttall; Geiger-Nuttall Law; Geiger-Nuttal Law; Geiger-Nuttal law; Geiger-Nuttall rule; Geiger-Nuttall law; Geiger-Nuttall relation

Geiger–Nuttall law         
In nuclear physics, the Geiger–Nuttall law or Geiger–Nuttall rule relates the decay constant of a radioactive isotope with the energy of the alpha particles emitted. Roughly speaking, it states that short-lived isotopes emit more energetic alpha particles than long-lived ones.
Anna Margarethe Geiger         
GERMAN PAINTER (1783-1809)
Anna Margarete Geiger; Anna Margareta Geiger; Anna Margaretha Geiger
Anna Margaretha Geiger (1783–1809) was a German pastellist. Her middle name is sometimes given as Margarete or Margareta.
Geiger counter         
  • A modern one-piece Geiger-Müller counter, including Geiger-Müller tube type 70 019 (at the top)
  • Early Geiger–Müller tube made in 1932 by Hans Geiger for laboratory use
  • Diagram of a Geiger counter using an "end window" tube for low penetration radiation. A loudspeaker is also used for indication
  • Geiger counter with pancake type probe
  • Laboratory use of a Geiger counter with end-window probe to measure beta radiation
  • A Radhound Geiger counter measuring radiation emitted by a tree in [[Chernobyl]]
  • Pancake G-M tube used for alpha and beta detection; the delicate mica window is usually protected by a mesh when fitted in an instrument.
  • The sound of a geiger counter
  • An early alpha particle counter designed by Rutherford and Geiger.
Geiger-Müller counter; Geiger counters; Geiger Counter; Gieger counter; Geiger-Mueller counter; Geiger-Müeller counter; Geigercounter; Geiger-Muller counter; Geiger-Mueeller counter; Radiac meter; Geiger Muller counter; Geiger-Muller Counter; Geiger-Müller Counter; Geiger Muller Counter; Geiger Müller Counter; Geiger–Muller Counter; Geiger–Müller Counter; Geiger–Müller counter
(Geiger counters)
A Geiger counter is a device which finds and measures radioactivity.


Geiger–Nuttall law

In nuclear physics, the Geiger–Nuttall law or Geiger–Nuttall rule relates the decay constant of a radioactive isotope with the energy of the alpha particles emitted. Roughly speaking, it states that short-lived isotopes emit more energetic alpha particles than long-lived ones.

The relationship also shows that half-lives are exponentially dependent on decay energy, so that very large changes in half-life make comparatively small differences in decay energy, and thus alpha particle energy. In practice, this means that alpha particles from all alpha-emitting isotopes across many orders of magnitude of difference in half-life, all nevertheless have about the same decay energy.

Formulated in 1911 by Hans Geiger and John Mitchell Nuttall as a relation between the decay constant and the range of alpha particles in air, in its modern form the Geiger–Nuttall law is

log 10 T 1 / 2 = A ( Z ) E + B ( Z ) {\displaystyle \log _{10}T_{1/2}={\frac {A(Z)}{\sqrt {E}}}+B(Z)}

where T 1 / 2 {\displaystyle T_{1/2}} is the half-life, E the total kinetic energy (of the alpha particle and the daughter nucleus), and A and B are coefficients that depend on the isotope's atomic number Z. The law works best for nuclei with even atomic number and even atomic mass. The trend is still there for even-odd, odd-even, and odd-odd nuclei but is not as pronounced.